I am currently pursuing Master's in Software Engineering Systems at Northeastern University, at Boston. I enjoy solving complex problems, creating solutions out of thin air is what piqued me to pursue Computer Science. Prior to my Masters I worked as an Application Developer, I love working with all the layers of the stack. Currently, I'm experimenting and exploring Full Stack development platforms. When I'm not coding, I appreciate a good game with my wholesome squad.
Software Engineering Student and Software Engineer
- Programming Languages: Java, Javascript, Gherkin, Python, C++, C#
- Front-end Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, ReactJS, Redux, AngularJS
- Back-end Technologies: Node.js, Spring MVC, Spring Boot
- Databases: Oracle SQL, Mongo DB, Azure EventHubs, Azure Redis
- Tools: GIT, Vscode, IntelliJ, Spring Tool Suite, Eclipse, Postman, NetBeans
- Softwares: GitHub, Jira, Jenkins, SonarQube, Dockers, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), AWS
- Boston, MA
- vjanadri7@gmail.com
Master of Science in Software Engineering
2022 - 2024
Northeastern University at Boston
Grade : 4/4
Bachelor of Engineering
JSS Science & Technology University, Mysuru
Pre University Education
Alva's Pre University College, Moodbidri
Grade : 92.33/100
Professional Experience
Software Development Engineer Co-Op
Cambridge, MA
- Developed an application in C# to capture real-time patient data from hospital devices, encode in Avro format, and transfer to AWS S3 and on-premises Kafka servers.
- Built and tested Linux VMs with optimized Kafka configurations, enhancing reliable data handling in hospital environments.
- Configured Apache NiFi flows to automate data transfer from AWS S3 to directly into Citus DB (PostgreSQL) partitions, reducing overhead and increasing data processing speed by 35%.
- [Tech-Stack: Spring Boot, C#, Cloud Foundry, AWS, Apache NiFi, Angular].
Senior Software Engineer
Accenture, Bengaluru
- Mentored five freshmen in learning ReactJS and implementing Java and JavaScript in Karate Framework for automated testing.
- Reformulated 58 SoapUI maven projects to Gherkin (cucumber) format by building feature files utilizing RESTful APIs.
- Migrated Groovy Scripts to Java and JavaScript resulting 23% more nimble with Karate Framework than SoapUI xml when deployed to AKS.
- [Tech-Stack: Spring Boot, Maven, Karate framework, Cucumber, ReadyApi, Spring Tool Suite, Core java].
Software Engineer
Accenture, Bengaluru
- Collaborated with an Agile team of 9 software developers and migrated 114 Spring Boot and NodeJS microservices from IBM Bluemix platform to Azure environment prompting performance of microservices by 31%.
- Remediated microservices from IBM Message Hub to Azure Event Hubs, Cloudant DB to Cosmos DB (Mongo style), Redis to Azure Redis and Hystrix to Sidecar, also established CI/CD pipeline to automate software delivery process.
- Deployed remediated applications into AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) environment through Jenkins and tested the API calls through Postman and smoke tests via ReadyAPI software, also leveraged SonarQube tool to analyze source code coverage.
- [ Tech-Stack : spring-boot, cosmosDB, Azure Event Hubs, Sidecar pattern, Hystrix, Jenkins, Jira, SonarQube].
Software Development Engineer Intern
Vestio Technologies, Bengaluru
- Developed interactive RESTful APIs using Ruby and Node.js for an Airline Reservation System and enhanced security of APIs by accomplishing authentication and authorization employing OAuth2, JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Basic Auth.
- Employed workflows leveraging Git actions (utilizing YAML files) and documented code using Confluence (Atlassian tool).
- [ Tech-Stack : Core java, SQL, Jira, SonarQube, Eclipse].
- Migration of Spring Boot and NodeJS microservices from Bluemix to Azure environment Remediated the microservices from IBM Message Hub to Azure Event Hubs, Cloudant DB to Cosmos DB (Mongo style), Redis to Azure Redis and Hystrix to Sidecar. More Info
- Recasting SoapUI maven projects to Gherkin(cucumber) using Karate framework Built feature files with RESTful APIs to achieve the goals and flexibility of deliverables and migrated Groovy Scripts to Java and JavaScript to attain compatibility with Karate Framework. More Info
- Movie Ratings Application using Spring Boot microservices • Built 3 Spring Boot microservices (2 producers, 1 consumer) that interact each other and respond back with the movie details with respective ratings and implemented Eureka Server to facilitate communication between microservices. Git Repo
- Travel Blogger website using CSS Built HTML and CSS files to design travel blogger website with the implementation of several pseudo selectors and elements. html is used for the content invocation. Import statements and classes are used for font and image sizing Git Repo
- Karate Framework Repository Dealing with API responses, JavaScript functions and Java functions using Karate framework and built feature files with RESTful APIs and also a cursory guide for usage of several pre-defined keywords. Git Repo
- My Portfolio Used HTML,PHP,JS, Bootstrap and CSS to achieve styling and content invocation Git Repo
- Pharma Website Actualized admin panel, search functionalities, user registration, login, and logout harnessing PHP and MySQL for storing user information securely and teamed up with two classmates to host both websites on GitHub Git Repo